How Bad Do You Want It?
Never Give Up
Warren Buffet
Warren Buffett and Jay-Z On The Power of Luck
The Most Motivating Video for Success
Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin
This book drives the point home that success in any field is not determined by genetics or talent but deliberate practice. Colvin uses examples from world class achievers like Tiger Woods, Jack Welch, Warren Buffet, Mozart to prove that they all got their through years of practice – the 10,000 hours rule. You’ll reexamine your beliefs about what it takes to succeed and supercharge your motivation after reading Colvin’s book
Mastery by George Leonard
This book also stresses that practice is the secret to success in anything. Leonard explains that mastership never ends – you will never have perfect technique and be able to stop. Instead you’ll keep learning, improving, and hitting plateaus. The big point in Mastery is that plateaus are vital for improving your skills and that you therefore must start enjoying them instead of getting impatient or quitting like most guys do